Sunday, May 15, 2011


Yesterday we decided to travel to our friend, Gracie Mae's softball game for 8U.  This was no easy feat as the game was being played in Atlantic.  If you've ever been to Carteret County, NC, then you know the county is the longest county in the state.  We drove forevvvvah!  The drive bestows lots of beautiful views of marshlined areas, some along both sides of the rural roads we traveled.  It doesn't have the nickname "downeast" for nothing.  You literally just keep driving east until it seems that you are at the easternmost tip of the U. S., and it is gorgeous. 

I knew the trip would provide some interest for the day; I just didn't realize the fun would start in the parking lot.  As we hung out, my daughter, Stevie Katherine, spied something unusual.  Sitting across from us was a vehicle with an unusual display on the dashboard.  Two cans of soda and two opened cans of Spaghettio's with metal spoons perched inside.  We thought this was hilarious and had to take a picture.  As I reflected on this, I actually remembered a time when my husband and I had dined on cold pork and beans straight from the can.  We were young, poor, and uninhibited by society's expectations.  We were camping outside of Ocean City, MD and really couldn't afford much else.  We still had fun.  Life is good.

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